Peer Support

At Recovery Ways Idaho, we are proud to offer a peer support program as part of our comprehensive treatment services. Our peer support program is designed to provide additional support and guidance to clients as they work towards recovery and rebuilding their lives.

What is Peer Support?

Through this program, clients have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a certified peer specialist who has personal experience with addiction and mental health challenges. These specialists serve as a mentor, role model, and source of support for clients as they navigate their own journey towards recovery. Peer support is an invaluable aspect of our treatment approach, as it allows individuals to connect with someone who truly understands their struggles and can provide guidance from a place of shared experience.

Our peer support program helps to create a sense of community and understanding among our clients, promoting a supportive and safe environment for healing and growth. Additionally, the relationships formed through peer support often extend beyond treatment, providing ongoing support and connection even after leaving our program. We are proud to offer this unique form of community support service at Recovery Ways Idaho and believe it is an integral part of our comprehensive approach to treatment.

Our Treatments Verify Benefits

How Does Peer Support Help?

Our peer support program helps individuals maintain long-term recovery and prevent relapse. By working with a certified peer specialist, clients are able to develop new coping skills, build healthy relationships, and gain valuable insights from someone who has been through similar struggles. This support can be especially crucial during the transition from treatment back to everyday life, as it provides a consistent source of guidance and encouragement. Our peer support program also offers a sense of accountability, as clients have someone to turn to during difficult times and can share their progress with. This ongoing support helps individuals maintain their recovery journey and build a strong foundation for long-term success. Our goal at Recovery Ways Idaho is not only to help clients overcome addiction but also to empower them in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life after treatment.

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Disorders We Specialize In

We specialize in providing life changing solutions. Our team is made up of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping people with recovery and self-improvement. Our services range from therapy sessions to aftercare support, all designed to help individuals address their personal challenges and reach their full potential.

Mental Health Disorders We Treat

healing your mind, body and soul

At Recovery Ways Idaho, our outpatient programs are designed to heal the whole person and address all aspects of their well-being. We help address any underlying mental health issues, trauma, and other factors that may contribute to struggles with process addictions.

Our partial hospitalization program (PHP), intensive outpatient program (IOP), and outpatient program (OP) all incorporate various evidence-based therapies to help individuals heal from the inside out.

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Freeing yourself from Addiction doesn't have to be hard. Take the first Step and begin filling out the form, it's the initial phase in achieving a healthy recovery. We offer the necessary guidance and professional care crucial during the early treatment stages.